Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cubicle Hell

A comment to my previous entry got me thinking. When I worked for a world wide corporation several years ago there were two of us with the same name on the same team. As with many large corporations we had several managers...depending on the manager I would be called Rob (instead of Robin) or by my last name. I hated that! Why did she get to use 'our' name? I really hated it when the manger that called me by my last name was on. The way he would say it...I always felt like I was on a football team or something....drove me crazy!

At that job my "office" was the beloved cubicle. *sigh* Anyone out there reading this stuck in cubicle hell? Have nightmares about it? Well, here is a movie that you have to watch... Office Space This movie is sooo funny. If you have ever experienced cubicle hell or know someone who has you need to watch this movie!!

Let me know what you think :-)


  1. Oh yeah, I am living in cubicle Hell. Not quite as bad as 'Office Space', though... What they do to the copier in that movie is priceless.

  2. I love that movie! I laughed so hard the first time I saw it ... ;-))
